\(\int \frac {\tan ^4(e+f x)}{\sqrt {a-a \sin ^2(e+f x)}} \, dx\) [473]

   Optimal result
   Rubi [A] (verified)
   Mathematica [A] (verified)
   Maple [A] (verified)
   Fricas [A] (verification not implemented)
   Sympy [F]
   Maxima [B] (verification not implemented)
   Giac [B] (verification not implemented)
   Mupad [F(-1)]

Optimal result

Integrand size = 26, antiderivative size = 91 \[ \int \frac {\tan ^4(e+f x)}{\sqrt {a-a \sin ^2(e+f x)}} \, dx=\frac {3 \text {arctanh}(\sin (e+f x)) \cos (e+f x)}{8 f \sqrt {a \cos ^2(e+f x)}}-\frac {3 \tan (e+f x)}{8 f \sqrt {a \cos ^2(e+f x)}}+\frac {\tan ^3(e+f x)}{4 f \sqrt {a \cos ^2(e+f x)}} \]



Rubi [A] (verified)

Time = 0.16 (sec) , antiderivative size = 91, normalized size of antiderivative = 1.00, number of steps used = 5, number of rules used = 4, \(\frac {\text {number of rules}}{\text {integrand size}}\) = 0.154, Rules used = {3255, 3286, 2691, 3855} \[ \int \frac {\tan ^4(e+f x)}{\sqrt {a-a \sin ^2(e+f x)}} \, dx=\frac {3 \cos (e+f x) \text {arctanh}(\sin (e+f x))}{8 f \sqrt {a \cos ^2(e+f x)}}+\frac {\tan ^3(e+f x)}{4 f \sqrt {a \cos ^2(e+f x)}}-\frac {3 \tan (e+f x)}{8 f \sqrt {a \cos ^2(e+f x)}} \]


Int[Tan[e + f*x]^4/Sqrt[a - a*Sin[e + f*x]^2],x]


(3*ArcTanh[Sin[e + f*x]]*Cos[e + f*x])/(8*f*Sqrt[a*Cos[e + f*x]^2]) - (3*Tan[e + f*x])/(8*f*Sqrt[a*Cos[e + f*x
]^2]) + Tan[e + f*x]^3/(4*f*Sqrt[a*Cos[e + f*x]^2])

Rule 2691

Int[((a_.)*sec[(e_.) + (f_.)*(x_)])^(m_.)*((b_.)*tan[(e_.) + (f_.)*(x_)])^(n_), x_Symbol] :> Simp[b*(a*Sec[e +
 f*x])^m*((b*Tan[e + f*x])^(n - 1)/(f*(m + n - 1))), x] - Dist[b^2*((n - 1)/(m + n - 1)), Int[(a*Sec[e + f*x])
^m*(b*Tan[e + f*x])^(n - 2), x], x] /; FreeQ[{a, b, e, f, m}, x] && GtQ[n, 1] && NeQ[m + n - 1, 0] && Integers
Q[2*m, 2*n]

Rule 3255

Int[(u_.)*((a_) + (b_.)*sin[(e_.) + (f_.)*(x_)]^2)^(p_), x_Symbol] :> Int[ActivateTrig[u*(a*cos[e + f*x]^2)^p]
, x] /; FreeQ[{a, b, e, f, p}, x] && EqQ[a + b, 0]

Rule 3286

Int[(u_.)*((b_.)*sin[(e_.) + (f_.)*(x_)]^(n_))^(p_), x_Symbol] :> With[{ff = FreeFactors[Sin[e + f*x], x]}, Di
st[(b*ff^n)^IntPart[p]*((b*Sin[e + f*x]^n)^FracPart[p]/(Sin[e + f*x]/ff)^(n*FracPart[p])), Int[ActivateTrig[u]
*(Sin[e + f*x]/ff)^(n*p), x], x]] /; FreeQ[{b, e, f, n, p}, x] &&  !IntegerQ[p] && IntegerQ[n] && (EqQ[u, 1] |
| MatchQ[u, ((d_.)*(trig_)[e + f*x])^(m_.) /; FreeQ[{d, m}, x] && MemberQ[{sin, cos, tan, cot, sec, csc}, trig

Rule 3855

Int[csc[(c_.) + (d_.)*(x_)], x_Symbol] :> Simp[-ArcTanh[Cos[c + d*x]]/d, x] /; FreeQ[{c, d}, x]

Rubi steps \begin{align*} \text {integral}& = \int \frac {\tan ^4(e+f x)}{\sqrt {a \cos ^2(e+f x)}} \, dx \\ & = \frac {\cos (e+f x) \int \sec (e+f x) \tan ^4(e+f x) \, dx}{\sqrt {a \cos ^2(e+f x)}} \\ & = \frac {\tan ^3(e+f x)}{4 f \sqrt {a \cos ^2(e+f x)}}-\frac {(3 \cos (e+f x)) \int \sec (e+f x) \tan ^2(e+f x) \, dx}{4 \sqrt {a \cos ^2(e+f x)}} \\ & = -\frac {3 \tan (e+f x)}{8 f \sqrt {a \cos ^2(e+f x)}}+\frac {\tan ^3(e+f x)}{4 f \sqrt {a \cos ^2(e+f x)}}+\frac {(3 \cos (e+f x)) \int \sec (e+f x) \, dx}{8 \sqrt {a \cos ^2(e+f x)}} \\ & = \frac {3 \text {arctanh}(\sin (e+f x)) \cos (e+f x)}{8 f \sqrt {a \cos ^2(e+f x)}}-\frac {3 \tan (e+f x)}{8 f \sqrt {a \cos ^2(e+f x)}}+\frac {\tan ^3(e+f x)}{4 f \sqrt {a \cos ^2(e+f x)}} \\ \end{align*}

Mathematica [A] (verified)

Time = 0.14 (sec) , antiderivative size = 66, normalized size of antiderivative = 0.73 \[ \int \frac {\tan ^4(e+f x)}{\sqrt {a-a \sin ^2(e+f x)}} \, dx=\frac {3 \text {arctanh}(\sin (e+f x)) \cos (e+f x)+\tan (e+f x) \left (3-6 \sec ^2(e+f x)+8 \tan ^2(e+f x)\right )}{8 f \sqrt {a \cos ^2(e+f x)}} \]


Integrate[Tan[e + f*x]^4/Sqrt[a - a*Sin[e + f*x]^2],x]


(3*ArcTanh[Sin[e + f*x]]*Cos[e + f*x] + Tan[e + f*x]*(3 - 6*Sec[e + f*x]^2 + 8*Tan[e + f*x]^2))/(8*f*Sqrt[a*Co
s[e + f*x]^2])

Maple [A] (verified)

Time = 1.16 (sec) , antiderivative size = 132, normalized size of antiderivative = 1.45

method result size
default \(-\frac {\sqrt {a \left (\sin ^{2}\left (f x +e \right )\right )}\, \left (-3 \ln \left (\frac {2 \sqrt {a}\, \sqrt {a \left (\sin ^{2}\left (f x +e \right )\right )}+2 a}{\cos \left (f x +e \right )}\right ) a \left (\cos ^{4}\left (f x +e \right )\right )+5 \sqrt {a \left (\sin ^{2}\left (f x +e \right )\right )}\, \left (\cos ^{2}\left (f x +e \right )\right ) \sqrt {a}-2 \sqrt {a}\, \sqrt {a \left (\sin ^{2}\left (f x +e \right )\right )}\right )}{8 \cos \left (f x +e \right )^{3} a^{\frac {3}{2}} \sin \left (f x +e \right ) \sqrt {a \left (\cos ^{2}\left (f x +e \right )\right )}\, f}\) \(132\)
risch \(\frac {i \left (5 \,{\mathrm e}^{6 i \left (f x +e \right )}-3 \,{\mathrm e}^{4 i \left (f x +e \right )}+3 \,{\mathrm e}^{2 i \left (f x +e \right )}-5\right )}{4 \sqrt {\left ({\mathrm e}^{2 i \left (f x +e \right )}+1\right )^{2} a \,{\mathrm e}^{-2 i \left (f x +e \right )}}\, \left ({\mathrm e}^{2 i \left (f x +e \right )}+1\right )^{3} f}-\frac {3 \ln \left ({\mathrm e}^{i f x}-i {\mathrm e}^{-i e}\right ) \cos \left (f x +e \right )}{4 f \sqrt {\left ({\mathrm e}^{2 i \left (f x +e \right )}+1\right )^{2} a \,{\mathrm e}^{-2 i \left (f x +e \right )}}}+\frac {3 \ln \left ({\mathrm e}^{i f x}+i {\mathrm e}^{-i e}\right ) \cos \left (f x +e \right )}{4 f \sqrt {\left ({\mathrm e}^{2 i \left (f x +e \right )}+1\right )^{2} a \,{\mathrm e}^{-2 i \left (f x +e \right )}}}\) \(188\)





Fricas [A] (verification not implemented)


Time = 0.33 (sec) , antiderivative size = 80, normalized size of antiderivative = 0.88 \[ \int \frac {\tan ^4(e+f x)}{\sqrt {a-a \sin ^2(e+f x)}} \, dx=-\frac {{\left (3 \, \cos \left (f x + e\right )^{4} \log \left (-\frac {\sin \left (f x + e\right ) - 1}{\sin \left (f x + e\right ) + 1}\right ) + 2 \, {\left (5 \, \cos \left (f x + e\right )^{2} - 2\right )} \sin \left (f x + e\right )\right )} \sqrt {a \cos \left (f x + e\right )^{2}}}{16 \, a f \cos \left (f x + e\right )^{5}} \]


integrate(tan(f*x+e)^4/(a-a*sin(f*x+e)^2)^(1/2),x, algorithm="fricas")


-1/16*(3*cos(f*x + e)^4*log(-(sin(f*x + e) - 1)/(sin(f*x + e) + 1)) + 2*(5*cos(f*x + e)^2 - 2)*sin(f*x + e))*s
qrt(a*cos(f*x + e)^2)/(a*f*cos(f*x + e)^5)

Sympy [F]

\[ \int \frac {\tan ^4(e+f x)}{\sqrt {a-a \sin ^2(e+f x)}} \, dx=\int \frac {\tan ^{4}{\left (e + f x \right )}}{\sqrt {- a \left (\sin {\left (e + f x \right )} - 1\right ) \left (\sin {\left (e + f x \right )} + 1\right )}}\, dx \]




Integral(tan(e + f*x)**4/sqrt(-a*(sin(e + f*x) - 1)*(sin(e + f*x) + 1)), x)

Maxima [B] (verification not implemented)

Leaf count of result is larger than twice the leaf count of optimal. 1518 vs. \(2 (79) = 158\).

Time = 0.55 (sec) , antiderivative size = 1518, normalized size of antiderivative = 16.68 \[ \int \frac {\tan ^4(e+f x)}{\sqrt {a-a \sin ^2(e+f x)}} \, dx=\text {Too large to display} \]


integrate(tan(f*x+e)^4/(a-a*sin(f*x+e)^2)^(1/2),x, algorithm="maxima")


-1/16*(4*(5*sin(7*f*x + 7*e) - 3*sin(5*f*x + 5*e) + 3*sin(3*f*x + 3*e) - 5*sin(f*x + e))*cos(8*f*x + 8*e) - 40
*(2*sin(6*f*x + 6*e) + 3*sin(4*f*x + 4*e) + 2*sin(2*f*x + 2*e))*cos(7*f*x + 7*e) - 16*(3*sin(5*f*x + 5*e) - 3*
sin(3*f*x + 3*e) + 5*sin(f*x + e))*cos(6*f*x + 6*e) + 24*(3*sin(4*f*x + 4*e) + 2*sin(2*f*x + 2*e))*cos(5*f*x +
 5*e) + 24*(3*sin(3*f*x + 3*e) - 5*sin(f*x + e))*cos(4*f*x + 4*e) - 3*(2*(4*cos(6*f*x + 6*e) + 6*cos(4*f*x + 4
*e) + 4*cos(2*f*x + 2*e) + 1)*cos(8*f*x + 8*e) + cos(8*f*x + 8*e)^2 + 8*(6*cos(4*f*x + 4*e) + 4*cos(2*f*x + 2*
e) + 1)*cos(6*f*x + 6*e) + 16*cos(6*f*x + 6*e)^2 + 12*(4*cos(2*f*x + 2*e) + 1)*cos(4*f*x + 4*e) + 36*cos(4*f*x
 + 4*e)^2 + 16*cos(2*f*x + 2*e)^2 + 4*(2*sin(6*f*x + 6*e) + 3*sin(4*f*x + 4*e) + 2*sin(2*f*x + 2*e))*sin(8*f*x
 + 8*e) + sin(8*f*x + 8*e)^2 + 16*(3*sin(4*f*x + 4*e) + 2*sin(2*f*x + 2*e))*sin(6*f*x + 6*e) + 16*sin(6*f*x +
6*e)^2 + 36*sin(4*f*x + 4*e)^2 + 48*sin(4*f*x + 4*e)*sin(2*f*x + 2*e) + 16*sin(2*f*x + 2*e)^2 + 8*cos(2*f*x +
2*e) + 1)*log(cos(f*x + e)^2 + sin(f*x + e)^2 + 2*sin(f*x + e) + 1) + 3*(2*(4*cos(6*f*x + 6*e) + 6*cos(4*f*x +
 4*e) + 4*cos(2*f*x + 2*e) + 1)*cos(8*f*x + 8*e) + cos(8*f*x + 8*e)^2 + 8*(6*cos(4*f*x + 4*e) + 4*cos(2*f*x +
2*e) + 1)*cos(6*f*x + 6*e) + 16*cos(6*f*x + 6*e)^2 + 12*(4*cos(2*f*x + 2*e) + 1)*cos(4*f*x + 4*e) + 36*cos(4*f
*x + 4*e)^2 + 16*cos(2*f*x + 2*e)^2 + 4*(2*sin(6*f*x + 6*e) + 3*sin(4*f*x + 4*e) + 2*sin(2*f*x + 2*e))*sin(8*f
*x + 8*e) + sin(8*f*x + 8*e)^2 + 16*(3*sin(4*f*x + 4*e) + 2*sin(2*f*x + 2*e))*sin(6*f*x + 6*e) + 16*sin(6*f*x
+ 6*e)^2 + 36*sin(4*f*x + 4*e)^2 + 48*sin(4*f*x + 4*e)*sin(2*f*x + 2*e) + 16*sin(2*f*x + 2*e)^2 + 8*cos(2*f*x
+ 2*e) + 1)*log(cos(f*x + e)^2 + sin(f*x + e)^2 - 2*sin(f*x + e) + 1) - 4*(5*cos(7*f*x + 7*e) - 3*cos(5*f*x +
5*e) + 3*cos(3*f*x + 3*e) - 5*cos(f*x + e))*sin(8*f*x + 8*e) + 20*(4*cos(6*f*x + 6*e) + 6*cos(4*f*x + 4*e) + 4
*cos(2*f*x + 2*e) + 1)*sin(7*f*x + 7*e) + 16*(3*cos(5*f*x + 5*e) - 3*cos(3*f*x + 3*e) + 5*cos(f*x + e))*sin(6*
f*x + 6*e) - 12*(6*cos(4*f*x + 4*e) + 4*cos(2*f*x + 2*e) + 1)*sin(5*f*x + 5*e) - 24*(3*cos(3*f*x + 3*e) - 5*co
s(f*x + e))*sin(4*f*x + 4*e) + 12*(4*cos(2*f*x + 2*e) + 1)*sin(3*f*x + 3*e) - 48*cos(3*f*x + 3*e)*sin(2*f*x +
2*e) + 80*cos(f*x + e)*sin(2*f*x + 2*e) - 80*cos(2*f*x + 2*e)*sin(f*x + e) - 20*sin(f*x + e))/((2*(4*cos(6*f*x
 + 6*e) + 6*cos(4*f*x + 4*e) + 4*cos(2*f*x + 2*e) + 1)*cos(8*f*x + 8*e) + cos(8*f*x + 8*e)^2 + 8*(6*cos(4*f*x
+ 4*e) + 4*cos(2*f*x + 2*e) + 1)*cos(6*f*x + 6*e) + 16*cos(6*f*x + 6*e)^2 + 12*(4*cos(2*f*x + 2*e) + 1)*cos(4*
f*x + 4*e) + 36*cos(4*f*x + 4*e)^2 + 16*cos(2*f*x + 2*e)^2 + 4*(2*sin(6*f*x + 6*e) + 3*sin(4*f*x + 4*e) + 2*si
n(2*f*x + 2*e))*sin(8*f*x + 8*e) + sin(8*f*x + 8*e)^2 + 16*(3*sin(4*f*x + 4*e) + 2*sin(2*f*x + 2*e))*sin(6*f*x
 + 6*e) + 16*sin(6*f*x + 6*e)^2 + 36*sin(4*f*x + 4*e)^2 + 48*sin(4*f*x + 4*e)*sin(2*f*x + 2*e) + 16*sin(2*f*x
+ 2*e)^2 + 8*cos(2*f*x + 2*e) + 1)*sqrt(a)*f)

Giac [B] (verification not implemented)

Leaf count of result is larger than twice the leaf count of optimal. 188 vs. \(2 (79) = 158\).

Time = 1.46 (sec) , antiderivative size = 188, normalized size of antiderivative = 2.07 \[ \int \frac {\tan ^4(e+f x)}{\sqrt {a-a \sin ^2(e+f x)}} \, dx=-\frac {\frac {3 \, \log \left ({\left | \frac {1}{\tan \left (\frac {1}{2} \, f x + \frac {1}{2} \, e\right )} + \tan \left (\frac {1}{2} \, f x + \frac {1}{2} \, e\right ) + 2 \right |}\right )}{\mathrm {sgn}\left (\tan \left (\frac {1}{2} \, f x + \frac {1}{2} \, e\right )^{4} - 1\right )} - \frac {3 \, \log \left ({\left | \frac {1}{\tan \left (\frac {1}{2} \, f x + \frac {1}{2} \, e\right )} + \tan \left (\frac {1}{2} \, f x + \frac {1}{2} \, e\right ) - 2 \right |}\right )}{\mathrm {sgn}\left (\tan \left (\frac {1}{2} \, f x + \frac {1}{2} \, e\right )^{4} - 1\right )} - \frac {4 \, {\left (3 \, {\left (\frac {1}{\tan \left (\frac {1}{2} \, f x + \frac {1}{2} \, e\right )} + \tan \left (\frac {1}{2} \, f x + \frac {1}{2} \, e\right )\right )}^{3} - \frac {20}{\tan \left (\frac {1}{2} \, f x + \frac {1}{2} \, e\right )} - 20 \, \tan \left (\frac {1}{2} \, f x + \frac {1}{2} \, e\right )\right )}}{{\left ({\left (\frac {1}{\tan \left (\frac {1}{2} \, f x + \frac {1}{2} \, e\right )} + \tan \left (\frac {1}{2} \, f x + \frac {1}{2} \, e\right )\right )}^{2} - 4\right )}^{2} \mathrm {sgn}\left (\tan \left (\frac {1}{2} \, f x + \frac {1}{2} \, e\right )^{4} - 1\right )}}{16 \, \sqrt {a} f} \]


integrate(tan(f*x+e)^4/(a-a*sin(f*x+e)^2)^(1/2),x, algorithm="giac")


-1/16*(3*log(abs(1/tan(1/2*f*x + 1/2*e) + tan(1/2*f*x + 1/2*e) + 2))/sgn(tan(1/2*f*x + 1/2*e)^4 - 1) - 3*log(a
bs(1/tan(1/2*f*x + 1/2*e) + tan(1/2*f*x + 1/2*e) - 2))/sgn(tan(1/2*f*x + 1/2*e)^4 - 1) - 4*(3*(1/tan(1/2*f*x +
 1/2*e) + tan(1/2*f*x + 1/2*e))^3 - 20/tan(1/2*f*x + 1/2*e) - 20*tan(1/2*f*x + 1/2*e))/(((1/tan(1/2*f*x + 1/2*
e) + tan(1/2*f*x + 1/2*e))^2 - 4)^2*sgn(tan(1/2*f*x + 1/2*e)^4 - 1)))/(sqrt(a)*f)

Mupad [F(-1)]

Timed out. \[ \int \frac {\tan ^4(e+f x)}{\sqrt {a-a \sin ^2(e+f x)}} \, dx=\int \frac {{\mathrm {tan}\left (e+f\,x\right )}^4}{\sqrt {a-a\,{\sin \left (e+f\,x\right )}^2}} \,d x \]


int(tan(e + f*x)^4/(a - a*sin(e + f*x)^2)^(1/2),x)


int(tan(e + f*x)^4/(a - a*sin(e + f*x)^2)^(1/2), x)